Changes in physico-chemical properties of salted egg during sous-vide processing
Salted egg, Physico-chemical properties, Sous-vide technique, OsmosisAbstract
This research investigated the changes in chemical and physical properties in salted eggs that had been pickled along with employing the sous-vide technique with a salt concentration of 28%-30% (weight per weight) at a temperature of 50±2 degrees Celsius. During the pickling process on day 0 (raw egg), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, it was observed that employing the sous-vide technique along with the pickling process led to statistically significant differences in the chemical and physical properties of the salted egg (p<0.05) at different pickling durations. With increased duration of the pickling process, the appearance of the egg yolk changed from yellow-red (raw egg) to red and deeper red. The egg became rounder, more prominent, and firmer while the exterior egg white changed from being transparent to cloudier. According to a color comparison using the Munsell book for the egg yolk and the height values of the egg yolk with a Vernier caliper, it was found that the egg yolk had a color ranging from yellow-red to red and the height ranging between 16.16-26.27 millimeters. In addition, from the results of texture analysis, the egg yolk using the TPA testing method revealed that an increased pickling duration led to a tendency of a significant increase in hardness, springiness, and gumminess values (p<0.05), while cohesiveness value remained unaffected (p>0.05). Additionally, the salt concentration analyzed in both egg yolk and egg white showed a significant increase in quantity (p<0.05) as the pickling duration extended, with values ranging between 0.42-0.97 and 0.42-4.88 percent, respectively. The mentioned changes resulted from the penetration of salt solution into the egg cells and solutions that dissolved in water within the egg cells diffused outward throughout the egg cell membrane along with the water. This resulted in alterations in the chemical and physical properties of the egg. The resulted product met the standards set by the Thai Community Product Standards (TCPS 27/2550 on Salted Eggs). This is to elevate commercial competitiveness and increase marketing opportunities for entrepreneurs.
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