Publication ethics
Publication Ethics
Bulletin of Applied Sciences (BAS), which aims to publish research and academic articles in the fields of chemistry, physics, biotechnology, food science and food technology, material science, metrology, engineering, and applied science, is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics. We intend to provide publishing standards, and have quality publications to acquire a qualification that is recognized both nationally and internationally. Thus, publisher, editors, reviewers, and authors are required to strictly follow our guidelines, standards, and publication ethics.
Duties of Editors
- Ensure a submitted manuscript is relevant to aims and scopes of the journal. Also examine whether its quality meet the journal’s standards. However, if an unsuitable submission is found, editors should inform authors immediately.
- Pre-screen the manuscript, check duplications and plagiarism before sending to experts (at least 2 persons) for peer review.
- Evaluate the manuscript for their intellectual merit without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, political viewpoints or affiliation of authors. Ensure that the peer review process is fair and unbiased. Where necessary, editors should seek additional opinions from experts before rejecting any manuscript.
- Editors must have no conflicts of interest or relationships that pose potential conflicts related to manuscripts under consideration. Moreover, editors must avoid taking advantage of information obtained from a manuscript/article or the journal for business or use and misrepresent it as their own academic works.
- Invite external reviewers in related field to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the manuscript. Ensure that authors and reviewers do not know each other's identity (double blind) including blind to an unauthorized person.
- Decide based on feedback from the peer review, whether to seek more peer reviews (in case three reviewers have different opinions).
- Must not make substantial edits on author’s work or alter peer review reports or interfere with the information exchanged between reviewers and authors.
- Collect and send the reviewer reports to authors, work with authors to revise the manuscript in response to the reviewers’ comments. The revised manuscript is returned to the reviewers to ensure that their concerns have been satisfactorily resolved.
- Once the manuscript has been accepted, editors shall arrange publication in the chronological order of submission date, content, or other suitability reasons.
- In case, an accepted manuscript cannot be published in the journal volume that state in an acceptance letter at any reasons, editors should inform authors promptly and manage to publish in the next volume where appropriate.
- Ensure the publication process is accurate and timely for both printed and online versions.
Duties of Authors
- Assure the submitted manuscript is original, has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. it is the responsibility of authors to obtain permission from copyright holders, to ensure that the use of images, data, and illustrations in the manuscript do not violate copyright laws.
- Avoid plagiarism. Any relevant prior works and publications should be properly cited with reference lists at the end of the manuscript.
- Ensure the manuscript followed the formatting instruction.
- The research contained the experimental with animals or human must be allowed from ethical committee before testing. The author must submit the approved ethical statement along to submitted manuscript.
- After pre-screening, if errors are discovered, authors should collaborate with editors or publisher to quickly correct their work before sending to evaluate by experts.
- The manuscript is an academic work with authors' perspective not by the Department of Science Service or editorial board. Authors are responsible for their works.
- Authors should have read and agreed to publication requirements policies thoroughly.
- As standard copyright agreement, we would like to inform authors that you transfer or “assign” copyright to the Department of Science Service as the owner and publisher of the journal (BAS). After publication in BAS, the work must not be published and distributed by others.
- Authors also should mention about financial and material support.
Duties of Reviewers
- Provide unbiased, constructive feedbacks on the work's scholarly merits and scientific value. Evaluate the work’s composition, scientific accuracy, creativity, and interest to the journal’s readers as well as it is clear, concise, and relevant. Give objective and fair suggestions for improvements and avoid personal comments or criticism. Disclose conflicts of interest to editors (if any).
- Notifying editors immediately if unable to review and/or decline the review.
- Evaluate the manuscript in a timely manner. Notify editors when you fail to complete a review on time in order to set a new agreement.
- Maintain privacy of the review process by refraining from discuss or reveal any information from the reviewed manuscript with outside parties.
- Notify editors if any ethical concerns such as plagiarism or similarity between the reviewed manuscript and other published articles.
- The revised manuscript will be returned to reviewers (together with the response letter) to ensure that the comments raised have been satisfactorily resolved. Reviewers make a recommendation report to editors as to whether the manuscript should be rejected, accepted, or required another revision.