Effect of electrostatic on weighing accuracy
Static electricity, Weighing, Measurement accuracy, Measurement precisionAbstract
One of several parameters causing inaccuracy in precision weighing is a static electricity. The charging occurs through rubbing during the handling of objects or containers. It mostly affects insulator materials such as rubber, plastic, glass and powder. Various types of materials such as glass, plastic, aluminium, rubber, and paper are tested in this research but plastic and glass samples are easily to get charged in conformity with the triboelectric series. The charged and neutralized objects are weighed with analytical and micro balances. The charged samples have the problems with the measurement drift and the balance stability. The electrostatic charge affects the measurement accuracy as the weight value of the charged object appears heavier. This measurement error is caused by the electrostatic forces acting between the object and the balance. The charged object also gives the poorer measurement repeatability than the discharged object, as confirmed by the high standard deviation.
Therefore, the removal of the electrostatic charge or the neutralization on charged samples is essential for weighing process. This is to improve the balance stability, measurement accuracy and measurement precision. The reliable measurement results will be finally obtained.
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