Microbiological quality of fresh-cut fruits from street vendors sold in Bangkok


  • Nopamart Sapoo Department of Science Service
  • Jarunee Meksuwan Department of Science Service
  • Supannee Theparoonrat Department of Science Service




Fresh-cut fruits, Microbiological quality, Yeasts and molds, E.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus


Microbiological quality evaluation of fresh-cut fruits from street vendors in Bangkok were conducted. Eight types of fruits comprised of jackfruit, cantaloupe, rose apple, water melon, guava, mango, papaya and pineapple as the total of 52 samples were collected from 3 locations. The fresh-cut fruit samples were examined for microbiological quality on the aspects of yeasts, molds, E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. According to the microbiological guidelines for ready-to-eat food issued by the Department of Medical Science, it was found that 53.8% (28/52) of samples complied with the criteria. Yeasts and molds were found in every fruits samples with 38.5 % and 15.4 % of samples over the guideline criteria for yeasts and molds, respectively. For E.coli, 7% of the samples were found but below the guidelines criteria. Furthermore, for pathogenic bacteria, 7% of samples were Staphylococcus aureus positive. Salmonella was not detected. The results suggest that the risk of foodborne illness from fresh-cut fruits is high. Therefore, the sanitary quality of the processing of the produce should be concerned by applying Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) during preparation and selling. This will help controlling contamination of products and make the fruits safe for consumption.


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How to Cite

Sapoo, N., Meksuwan, J., & Theparoonrat, S. (2022). Microbiological quality of fresh-cut fruits from street vendors sold in Bangkok. Bulletin of Applied Sciences, 2(2), 108–116. https://doi.org/10.60136/bas.v2.2013.241



Research article