Meta-analysis of The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Science Education
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Virtual reality (VR) technology is an innovative strategy that has been applied in various educational institutions, including science education, to increase student engagement and understanding in science education. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of VR in science education in cognition, skills and motivation. A search of electronic literature using ERIC and the Scopus Index from January 2018 to November 2023 worked to identify studies reporting the effectiveness of VR in science education on knowledge, skills, and motivation. Two independent review authors conducted study selection and data retrieval. The methodological quality of the selected studies was configured using the Fail-Safe N for Publication Bias Assessment. We found that VR was more effective than control conditions in improving overall outcomes (standardized mean difference [SMD]=0.87, 95% CI 0.35-1.39, P<.001, I2=87.36%). The results of this study suggest that VR can effectively improve education, science, knowledge, skills, and overall motivation. More rigorous studies with larger sample sizes are guaranteed to confirm these results.
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