Optimal Quantification and Persistence Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Suitable for Probiotic Applications in Aquafeeds Enriched with Durian Peel Fiber
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This research aimed to investigate the optimal quantity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and the survivability of LAB used as probiotics in aquaculture feed supplemented with 30% durian peel fiber. The feed containing LAB was stored at three different temperatures: room temperature ( = 31.5 ºC), refrigeration ( = 4.5 ºC), and incubator at 37 ºC over a period of 4 weeks. On the first day, the sprayed feed contained 161.64±5.11 CFU×105/g of LAB. In weeks 1, 3, and 4, the aquaculture feed stored in the refrigerator had the highest LAB survivability, followed by incubator and room temperature, respectively. At the end of the experiment, the LAB count remained at 7.53±2.18, 5.48±3.52, and 3.95±3.09 CFU×105/g for the refrigerated, incubator, and room temperature conditions, respectively.
Regarding the study of the appropriate LAB quantity in aquaculture feed mixed with durian peel fiber, the initial average weight of the Common carps was 8.64±0.54 g, and the initial length was 9.12±0.27 cm. The experiment was conducted over 8 weeks. Overall, the trial group with 108 CFU/g of LAB in the fish feed showed the highest weight gain and length gain, with 10.89±2.69 g and 1.39±0.22 cm, respectively. This was followed by the groups with 106, 107, and 109 CFU/g of LAB, and the control group, with weight gains of 10.50±3.55, 10.41±2.72, 9.40±1.99, and 9.05±1.96 g, respectively. The length gains were 1.28±0.67, 1.15±0.29, 0.94±0.09, and 0.57±3.36 cm, respectively, showing statistically significant differences (p<0.05).
In conclusion, the optimal quantity of LAB in aquaculture feed supplemented with durian peel fiber is 108 CFU/g. Furthermore, it is recommended that aquaculture feed containing probiotics be stored in refrigeration to preserve the viability of the microorganisms and prevent degradation or death, which could lead to a loss of functionality and a reduction in health-promoting efficacy.
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