Drug Use Among Agricultural Related Workers
drug use, agricultural related workers, Thailandบทคัดย่อ
Background: Agricultural products significantly contributed to Thailand’s economy. In the context of the drug use epidemic, government statistics reported a portion of the population accessed a drug treatment system only 1.2\% in 2016. The objective of the study has twofolds, to seek drug use prevalence among agricultural related workers, and to explore drug use behaviour for accelerating their productivity.
Material and Methods: combined research design, cross-sectional survey, and qualitative methods were integrated into the study. study was conducted. 2936 agricultural related workers from 10 provinces throughout Thailand were studied. trained interviewers conducted semi-structured interview. In addition, 124 current users were explore on their drug use pattern and behaviour qualitatively.
Results: It is emerged that drug use annual prevalence was 54.1\%. Illicit drugs and non-medical pharmaceutical were used throughout agricultural process, from preparation to harvesting and transporting their products. Stimulants, cannabis, and depressants were popular and easily accessible. Methamphetamine was predominantly used to increased their productivity throughout agricultural process.
Conclusions: Agricultural work facilitated the spread of drugs. The design of the surveillance system should be taking into account.
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