Application of WebRTC Technology with Asset Counting Application of Asset Management System

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Yaowapa Jaratsantijit


Developing the asset counting mobile application of asset management system of Information Technology Service Center, Chiang Mai University that developed in 2017 found that limitations on using the program and designs that did not cover the asset count caused inconvenience in counting. To solve the problems, the researcher applied WebRTC Technology to the application. This study aims to develop an asset counting web application that is easy to use, decrease the time taken to count assets, and lighten the supply officers and the asset counting committee’s work burdens; and develop a web application to improve effective asset counting. The application using web application concept is developed with PHP, AngularJS, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5 language and the database management system is MySQL. The developed application can be run through the web view on smart devices. Asset counting committees can use the camera via the WebRTC application to scan barcodes and take pictures. Satisfaction of using the WebRTC application was assessed by 12 asset counting committees. The results showed that the level of satisfaction with the efficiency of using an application, using an asset counting application, and comparison between using the application and paper recording was high ( gif.latex?\large&space;\bar{x}= 4.22, S.D. = 0.66). Comparing efficiency of asset counting using the WebRTC application in 2020 versus using the mobile application in 2017 by using the Fisher’s Exact Test, with a statistical significance level of 0.05, the result found that using the WebRTC application was more efficient than the mobile application.

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How to Cite
Jaratsantijit, Y. (2023). Application of WebRTC Technology with Asset Counting Application of Asset Management System. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 11(32), 93–112. retrieved from
Research Article