Development of autonomous flight control system in buildings using code colors.

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Chalermchart Prisrisawatd
Vajirasak Vanijja


This paper presents the solution most of the Drones unable to indoor flying cause of without some GPS signal to control. The AR Drone 2.0 has been used main experimental equipment with Python and  OpenCV to flying control on the Linux Ubuntu computer system.

This experiment is divided into two parts. The first part (Part-A) is carried out to test the color pattern of the tracking sign code colors as most suitable and second part (Part-B) is carried out to develop algorithm drone to change a waypoint follow the code colors sign.

The results of experiments Part-A, there are 3 most suitable colors such as pink fluorescent, orange fluorescent and green fluorescent. The front camera of AR Drone2.0 able to respond fluorescent colors type more than ordinary color type 30%. The results of experiments Part-B, The AR Drone2.0 able to change waypoint follow the code colors sign as prescribed.

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How to Cite
Prisrisawatd, C. ., & Vanijja, V. (2023). Development of autonomous flight control system in buildings using code colors . Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 8(21), 12–28. retrieved from
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