Role of Advisors: A Case Study of Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai

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Natcha Thipprasert


This research was to study the role of advisors in the case study of Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai in order to serve as a guide for development and improvement of the advisor performances to be more effective and meet the needs of the students. 596 subjects over drawn from HCU undergraduate students of Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai are the samples of this research. The tool used for collecting data is a questionnaire that its reliability is equivalent to 0.92. The statistical techniques used for data analysis are percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that in the part of personal characteristics of the sample, the major percentages of 80.06 are females being over 20 year old of 66.94 percent and 81.29 percent of the samples are the undergraduate students or higher education level. The Needs of student with assessing satisfaction with advisors of Faculty of business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai are in the high level with the mean of 3.87 and the standard deviation of 0.87. When the individual aspects of the student?s needs were considered, it was found that the aspects of advisors, academic, welfare and roles of adivisors are in the high level of the needs with the mean of 4.00, 3.91, 3.74 and 3.81 respectively. The satisfaction of the students towards the roles of advisors is in the high level.

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How to Cite
Thipprasert, N. . (2023). Role of Advisors: A Case Study of Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 3(8), 31–40. retrieved from
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