Direction for Solid Waste Management of People in the Thart Municipality, Chiangkhan District, Loei Province

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Orathai jitthaisong
Maneerat Suthanthangjai
Somyong Seekhao
Kanda Pumsin


The purpose of this study was to express opinion and guideline about solid waste management of people in the Thart municipality, chiangkhan district, loei province. Study from sample people from 200 villagers. The tool was a questionnaire and interview. Data analysis by program IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 22.0. Analyzed using statistical tools : percentage, average and standard deviation. The research found that overall, opinions of people the level is most (equation = 3.64, SD = 0.86), the most is  Thart municipality has a policy that gives importance to waste management (equation = 3.91, SD = 0.62), moderate level is Thart  municipality has garbage dumps along the way from vendors selling vegetables and fruits and from fresh markets (equation= 3.36, SD =  1.11). Guidelines about solid waste management of people that level is most (equation = 3.98, SD = 0.69), guidelines for managing public waste in the high level, the need for Thart municipality to improve the area of ​​waste disposal (equation = 3.98, SD = 0.69). The least is the introduction of decay to repair instead of buying new (equation = 3.72, SD = 1.00). The results of the interview with the community leaders found that the opinion on waste management is Thart municipality  has  an increasing population. Resulting in more and more garbage continually resulting in inadequate waste management in time and there is not enough budget for waste management. Guidelines for waste management, it is found that community has methods for waste collection by means of waste separation such as recyclable waste, organic waste then brought to the front area for the garbage truck to be disposed. There is a way to dispose waste by sorting such as separate the waste that is sold, waste that can be recycled, organic waste is used to make compost and to be used as animal feed. There are regulations in the community, waste management regulations, there are training and education for people in the community about waste management.

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How to Cite
jitthaisong, O., Suthanthangjai, M., Seekhao, S., & Pumsin, K. (2024). Direction for Solid Waste Management of People in the Thart Municipality, Chiangkhan District, Loei Province. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 14(40), 80–91. retrieved from
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