Development of Web Applications and Dashboard Reporting Systems for Inventory Management and Order Planning: A Case Study of Cycle Mania Store

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Sunun Tati
Suthanya Lumpheung
Pachara Dechasiriboon
Julalak Punchainat
Thaweesak Tanaram


Retail establishments of varying sizes, including small, medium, and large enterprises, often grapple with the challenge of managing their inventory effectively. This predicament involves striking a delicate balance between ensuring product availability to meet customer demands and avoiding the accumulation of excessive inventory, a result of over-ordering. To address this challenge, the development of a web-based application has been explored, with two primary objectives: (1) to reduce inventory management costs and (2) to shorten inventory management time. This web application systematically collects and records data, which is then presented in real-time through an integrated dashboard interface. The effectiveness of this approach was empirically tested using Cycle Mania store operations, yielding substantial results. Notably, the dashboard reporting system played a critical role in facilitating strategic inventory procurement planning by providing real-time insights into inventory status and movements. Furthermore, the web application demonstrated its efficacy by significantly reducing both the time and financial resources typically expended on inventory management, achieving a remarkable reduction of up to 85.56%.

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