A comprehensive review of enhanced heat transfer with ribs/baffles in channels
Baffle, channel, enhanced heat transfer, rib, rough surface, thermal performance, turbulatorบทคัดย่อ
The paper discusses the evolution and current state of heat transfer augmentation technologies utilized in various thermal energy systems, such as solar air heaters, solar thermal systems, and gas turbines. Several turbulence generators, instance ribs and baffles, are regarded an efficient methods of increasing heat transfer rate to moving air in the ducts of solar air heaters, heat exchangers, and for turbine blade cooling. The application of rib/baffles is an excellent method for enhancing heat transfer rate to a flowing fluid inside the channel/duct of a solar air heater and in turbine blade cooling. This paper seeks to present an in-depth assessment of research activity in increased heat transfer in its presentation of ribs/baffles in channels. It gives readers a thorough understanding of the principles of enhanced heat transfer with ribs and baffles, how this knowledge has evolved over time. The effects of a variety of rib/baffle shapes on the heat transfer rate and pressure loss behaviors of solar air heaters are been addressed. The most effective ribs/baffles for augmenting heat transfer and minimizing pressure drop are those that have been carefully engineered to enhance the thermal performance factor. The mechanics of heat transfer enhancement and flow structure around the ribs/baffles will be the main topics of this review. We have done a thorough investigation into the heat transfer mechanism in a channel with different rib and baffles turbulators before drawing our conclusions from the literature review.
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