Quality of Black-Boned Chicken (Gallus Domesticus) Carcass and Development to Black-Boned Chicken Soup
Black-boned chicken, Soup, Functional foods, Carnosine, Anserine, Melaninบทคัดย่อ
Black-boned chickens are one of the native fowl with distinctive characteristics. It was found that it has high protein and low-fat content. Additionally, it had melanin which is a natural antioxidant compound. Chicken soup is a popular functional food that contains carnosine and anserine. These substances are the most prevalent histidine-containing dipeptides not found in plants. Thus, this study aimed to examine the quality of black-boned chicken carcasses and evaluate the biological properties of melanin, carnosine, and anserine were evaluated in various part of black-boned chicken: breast meat, thigh meat, and femur bone as well as the soups derived from each part. The chicken breast meat and its soup contained more carnosine and anserine than the those found thigh meat and femur bone soups (P<0.05). Although, the melanin content showed different amount in raw samples. The chicken soups were not significantly different (P>0.05). The anserine content in chicken muscles were found to be higher compared to that of carnosine. The biological properties of carnosine and anserine extracts from chicken muscle increased proportionally with the amount of these peptides in the muscle. Meanwhile, the femur bone had fewer peptides than the muscle. The femur bone exhibited higher antioxidant activities than the chicken thigh soup, as measured by ABTS and FRAP assays. Hence, the antioxidant activities corresponding with the dipeptides except femur bone.
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