Food Safety Blockchain Technology for Monitoring the CCPs in UHT Milk Production
Food Safety, Risk Assessment, Blockchain Technology, Milk Productบทคัดย่อ
Food safety management systems increasingly utilize blockchain technology for verification and archival purposes. In the domain of milk production, the application of this technology offers an efficient approach to mitigate risk threats. This study aimed to develop a food safety blockchain for UHT milk production by incorporating HACCP-compatible risk assessments to identify risk parameters and mitigate microbial hazards. Over a year, it was found that 86.25% of a population of 1,000,000 consumed UHT milk. The Exponential and Modified Beta Poisson Models predicted potential illnesses caused by E. coli and S. aureus to be 1.02E+01 and 2.99E-01, and 3.59E-03 and 5.47E-04 persons per year, per 1,000,000 people, respectively. Using the recorded data, a functional blockchain technology system was created for the UHT milk supply chain. This novel blockchain system, the latest in Thailand, offers an alternative for enhancing food safety in various production sectors.
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