Study on bioethanol production efficiency of banana peel (Musa sapientum L.) by Pichia stipitis

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Watcharaporn Tantipanathip
Pradinunt Eiamsa-ard


Nowadays, the production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass is intensive attention regarding to the largest increase in the renewable energy demand. The objective of this study was focused on the efficiency of bioethanol production from banana peel (Musa sapientum L.) rely on the differentiated biomass pretreatment either chemical or physico-chemical techniques followed by the synergistic of cellulase and xylanase enzyme hydrolysis. The physico-chemical pretreatment through 121°C and 0.05 N NaOH was exhibited the highest reducing sugar concentration at 800.88 mg/ml. Moreover, the reducing sugar derived from the pretreated banana peel biomass was slightly enhanced according to the enzymatic hydrolysis reaction, especially the physico-chemical pretreated biomass. The banana peel hydrolysate was readily accessed to the bioethanol fermentation constructed by Pichia stipitis TISTR5306. The result revealed the maximize ethanol accumulation at 7.47 g/l according to the utilization of the highest reducing sugar as a substrate. The overall results would be defined as the considerable scheme toward simultaneously alternative biomass and the effectiveness technology optimization for bioethanol production responded to the further extending demand of an alternative bio-fuel.

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How to Cite
Tantipanathip, W., & Eiamsa-ard, P. (2023). Study on bioethanol production efficiency of banana peel (Musa sapientum L.) by Pichia stipitis. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 12(34), 32–45. retrieved from
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