Multi-Purposes Oven for Community Enterprise Group

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Sombat Sankwan
Tanapong Khumyat
Preecha Mahamai


Food drying can be performed by many methods. Farmer and community enterprise group often use solar drying technology for food preservation consumed in household or sold in form of the One Tambon One Product (OTOP) for making income to family. However, there are limitations for solar drying method including season, weather and time that cause problems of quality and time in production process. Therefore, the Multi-Purposes oven for community enterprise group using infrared heater is the innovation for solving problems in production process according to demand of farmer and community enterprise group of Hinkow village, Bantak district, Tak province. The test results showed that the dry basis percent after drying pork, catfish and cultivated banana are 44.3, 92.3 and 25.9, respectively.

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How to Cite
Sankwan, S., Khumyat, T., & Mahamai, P. (2023). Multi-Purposes Oven for Community Enterprise Group. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 9(24), 27–38. Retrieved from
Research Article