Smart Phone Application for Estimating Smoke Level

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Songsit Wongkiraprat
Pawan Panitcharoen
Wisan Tangwongcharoen


Smart phone application for estimating smoke level is an application for assessing level of smoke in the surrounding environment. The propose of this application is to report the level of smoke and broadcast smoke level to the user who subscribes via LINE application. The smoke level report is also available on a Google Maps by showing source location as the circle with colour according to smoke level. The application appraises the level of smoke from colour in the picture by using K-means clustering to indicate the medium tone of the image and comparing the level of smoke using the Ringelmann scale. The application is working with Web service and implemented with Java and Python programming language. The experiment shows that the application could use as a tool for assessing the level of smoke and distance from the source of the smoke to the smartphone affects the performance of the application. It's better to take a picture near the source of the smoke. 

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How to Cite
Wongkiraprat, S., Panitcharoen, P., & Tangwongcharoen, W. (2023). Smart Phone Application for Estimating Smoke Level. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 8(22), 53–62. retrieved from
Research Article