Finite Element Analysis of Blank Holder Force in Drawing Process of Aluminum Frying Pan

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Pakin Ratana-u-dom
Seksan Chaijit


Finite element method has been widely employed in the analysis of sheet metal forming to reduce the die process. Many problems such as the wrinkle and fracture are caused in the single-step deep drawing process of an aluminum frying due to trial and error in the forming conditions. This study aimed to investigate the effects of blank holder force on wrinkle and fracture in the deep drawing of an aluminum frying pan. An aluminum A1100-H24 has diameter 310 mm and 2.2 mm thickness. The forming depth 80 mm by employed in the experimental with single step deep drawing force. This study adopted non-linear finite element method to examine a proper blank holder force and die radius using a FEM simulation under the elasto-plastic witch strain hardening. The results from both the experiment and engineering simulation showed that the proper blank holder force at 133 kN with 3 mm die radius does not affect wrinkle and fracture of the model. It was also found that die radius influences the flow of the metal during the deep drawing. It is suggested that the die be designed to have drawn bead in order to control the flow of the metal.

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How to Cite
Ratana-u-dom, P., & Chaijit, S. (2023). Finite Element Analysis of Blank Holder Force in Drawing Process of Aluminum Frying Pan. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 7(19), 33–46. retrieved from
Research Article