Design and Performance Testing of Two rotors Three Stators Permanent Magnet Generator for Cross Flow Turbine

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Assawathep Sanpin
Worrajak Muangjai
Teerasak Somsak


This project describes the development of a permanent magnet generator type 2 stators 3 rotors with cross flow turbine at total head range 3-5 meter and 7-20 liter per second for remote area. The generator had a rated power 600 Watt, 500 round per minute and 3 phase 17 Volt. The diameter has 0.3 meter with 2 stator and 3 rotors. The copper winding AWG 17 was used to make a form with 140 rounds per coil and 6 coils per stator. The resin has been applied to stator structure and neodymium permanent magnet at 200 mT. The genertor has been tested under testrig in labolatory to find out the eletricle parameters. The results found that the relation of torque and power generated of 2 stators 3 rotors permanet magnet generator with internal coil wiring in star and delta with various speed 200 to 600 round per minute is higher than the 1 stator 2 rotors. The conversion energy of mechanical power to electrical power is around      30-50% within rage of testing. In order to development the scheme of converter and battery management, this experiment results in term of current and voltage is not only utilized for the devoloping converter to receive the energy at various seasoning but also applied to the low speed source of energy application such as wind generator.

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How to Cite
Sanpin, A., Muangjai, W., & Somsak, T. (2023). Design and Performance Testing of Two rotors Three Stators Permanent Magnet Generator for Cross Flow Turbine. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 7(19), 15–31. retrieved from
Research Article