Empirical Correlations for Predicting Electric Power of Centrifugal Pump

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Manop Pipathattakul
Songtam Laosuwan
Chatchai Plengsaard


This research describes the empirical correlations for predicting electric power of centrifugal pump. The experimental system consists of the centrifugal pump A65-130 Model which is driven by 3 phases, 5.5 HP of electric motor. The experimental conditions of rotational speed and flow rate are in the range of 1100 ? 1750 rpm and 1 ? 6 L/s, respectively. From the experimental results, it can be found that the electric power is obtained by the empirical correlations which have error about r 10% that compares with the electric power obtained from the experiment.

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How to Cite
Pipathattakul, M., Laosuwan, S., & Plengsaard, C. (2023). Empirical Correlations for Predicting Electric Power of Centrifugal Pump. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 4(9), 1–10. Retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/813
Research Article