Cautionary Issues Concerning Antenna Testing by a Planar Near Field Test Range

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Chatchai Waiyapattanakorn


in finding a proper large plot of area for setting up the test range. Performance tests of electrically large antennas are thus often carried out in the near field test range. The planar near field test range operates by scanning the radiated near field on the aperture plane close to the antenna under test. Radiation characteristics of the antenna under test are obtained from mathematical calculation of the measured near field intensity. Antenna testing using the planar near field test range has to account for effects of several essential factors such as the scan plane position, the non ideal characteristics of the near field probe and the probe positioning error.

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How to Cite
Waiyapattanakorn, C. (2023). Cautionary Issues Concerning Antenna Testing by a Planar Near Field Test Range. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 3(7), 1–11. Retrieved from
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