Single Phase Sinusoidal Voltage Waveform AC Voltage Control Based on Chopper for Resistive Load

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Boonrueang Wangsilabat
Poonyapatn Chophabundit


This paper proposes the single phase sinusoidal voltage waveform AC voltage controlling based on chopper for resistive load which has the advantage more than the AC voltage control using phase control to trig the Thyristor for cutting the sinusoidal waveform of AC voltage that the active power is not followed by controlling angle. In the AC voltage control based on chopper, the active power will be relied on duty cycle of the frequency used for chopping the sinusoidal voltage waveform. The experimental results supporting these techniques are also discussed.

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How to Cite
Wangsilabat, B., & Chophabundit, P. (2023). Single Phase Sinusoidal Voltage Waveform AC Voltage Control Based on Chopper for Resistive Load. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(5), 65–71. retrieved from
Academic Article