Thai Educational system and Sustainable Development

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Prisana Petchaburanin


The World has been changed, battlefield change into Marketplace. Education has more and more important role in Thai society. Thai Education has many strength factors, such as having the same vision, mission and goal which supports it easier to manage or decentralization which makes it more flexible to approach, but Thai Education also has many problems. The main problem is not about the lack of resources because Government throws a big budget bag in Thai education every year, more than other neighbor countries and Thai students also spend more time in study. Even those spending, average Thai students still have a low PISA and TIMSS points. The real problems of Thai Education have not been about the scarcity but it’s because of the inefficient resource management.  If we need to improve, we have to change with the basic misguidance and using too much of resources. We should start to develop a good accountability in every educational staff and focus on students’ capability that have not focus on what school want. The sustainable development needs the corporation from every organization. Moreover Thai educational system has been developed with more open wide and more inclusive for leading Thai education to sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Petchaburanin, P. (2023). Thai Educational system and Sustainable Development. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(4), 67–72. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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