Applications of Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Engineering Problem Solving

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Anuchart Srisiriwat
Suraphan Tansriwong
Poolsak Kosiyaporn


This paper focuses on the applications of particle swarm optimization (PSO) method for solving various fields of engineering problems. The PSO is an optimization method that belongs to the swarm intelligence family based on the imitation of social behavior patterns of animals. The searching route of each particle is determined by a simple rule incorporating its individual information shared among the particles in its neighborhood for decision making and required problem solving. The interaction of the particles with neighbors is the key to the usefulness of PSO to determine the best solution in a short computational time. PSO has attracted a lot of researchers because of its search efficiency even for a high dimensional objective function with multiple local optima which is a difficult problem. Consequently, PSO can be applied in engineering aspects.

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How to Cite
Srisiriwat, A., Tansriwong, S., & Kosiyaporn, P. (2023). Applications of Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Engineering Problem Solving. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(4), 53–60. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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