J-Pole Antenna Design

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Suwaluck Meesomklin
Vej Vivek


This paper presents the design and simulation of J-pole Antenna, which is a further development of the half wave Dipole. This J-pole Antenna has better physical and radiation characteristics such as light weight, easy to design, omni-directional pattern, near perfect VSWR 1.0. It is very popular among amateur radio. The antenna is designed to operate at 900MHz frequency, within the GSM band. The operating bandwidth is 118.96 MHz. It is found from simulation using CST Studio Suite 2010 that the J-pole antenna has better performance than the Dipole antenna.

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How to Cite
Meesomklin, S., & Vivek, V. (2023). J-Pole Antenna Design. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(4), 7–11. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/776
Invited Article


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