Data Communication Bus for a Parallel-Connected Converter Module Control

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Yutthana Kanthaphayao


The control system of a parallel-connected converter module such as AC/DC DC/DC DC/AC and uninterruptible power supply (UPS), those has the data communication bus. This is used for connecting among the controller of each converter to control and monitoring the system operation. The data bus is divided into twogroup as follow as: the electrical signal and digital signal bus. This paper illustrates the data communication bus it is focused to control a parallel-connected power converter module. In addition, the advantage and disadvantage of the data communication bus will be discussed in this paper.

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How to Cite
Kanthaphayao, Y. (2023). Data Communication Bus for a Parallel-Connected Converter Module Control. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(3), 74–79. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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