The Electric Power Measurement and Monitoring for Energy Conservation

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tawi wongtunyakid
Chaiyapon Thongchaisuratkrul


This paper presents the electric power measurement and monitoring for energy conservation which is designed and developed from the integrate circuit (IC) ADE-7755, and the measuring results will be sent to microcontroller PIC-16F877 which can be displayed on LCD and connected to personal computer via RS-232/485 networks. The results show that power meter can be applied for electrical energy audit of electrical equipments which can be developed for energy conservation.

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How to Cite
wongtunyakid, tawi, & Thongchaisuratkrul, C. (2023). The Electric Power Measurement and Monitoring for Energy Conservation. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(3), 40–45. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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Analog Devices Energy Metering IC with Pulse Output AD7755.