Dimensional Analysis and Determination of Empirical Correlation for Centrifugal Pump

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Manop Phiphathatthakul
Makorn Lakkhana


The dimensional analysis was studied using Rayleigh's method for predict the performance of centrifugal pump. Rayleigh's method use to find the dimensionless groups such as the power coefficient, flow coefficient and head coefficient. The empirical correlation was determined by linear regression. This linear regression was obtained from the experiment in the centrifugal pump.The present study showed the correlation of the dimensionless groups. The constant and exponent of correlation was also obtained from the result of this experiment.

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How to Cite
Phiphathatthakul, M., & Lakkhana, M. (2023). Dimensional Analysis and Determination of Empirical Correlation for Centrifugal Pump. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 2(3), 27–31. Retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/765
Research Article


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