The Role of Parents in Children Caring for Good Youths of Thai Society

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Kanyanat Phatsornsiri


The statistic of children and youth case in 2010 has been reported that prosecuted male is quite larger than prosecuted female [1]. The number of prosecuted male is 40,431 or 91.77 % while the number of prosecuted female is 3,626 or 8.23%. Among those prosecution, drug prosecution related to amphetamine is 62.24%, and it is the big problem for Thai society and Thailand. In this
paper, therefore, the role of parents in children caring for good youths of Thai society is presented in order to decrease the number of prosecuted. Furthermore, the roles of parents would motivate the children in realizing their parents as the patrons and in requiting their favor in the future.

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How to Cite
Phatsornsiri, K. (2023). The Role of Parents in Children Caring for Good Youths of Thai Society. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 1(2), 23–26. retrieved from
Academic Article


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