Frequency to Voltage Converter based on Low Cost Design

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Boonrueang Wangsilabat
Sathien Thanyasrirat


This paper proposes the frequency to voltage converter based on low cost design. For voltage converter design, frequency response can be adjusted from 1kHz to 10kHz. The implementation results indicate that the DC output voltage is linearly from low voltage until full scale voltage at 10V. The linearity error is less than ±0.7% at full scale, and the average of transfer co-efficient is 0.946 V/kHz. Furthermore, this circuit design can be applied with other frequency ranges. In addition, the budget of low cost DC voltage converter is about 100 baths.

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How to Cite
Wangsilabat, B., & Thanyasrirat, S. (2023). Frequency to Voltage Converter based on Low Cost Design. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 1(1), 47–52. retrieved from
Academic Article


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