Effect of Rotational Speed on Pump Performance

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Manop Phiphathatthakul
Venus Thadniam


This research presented the effect of rotational speed on pump performance. The test used a centrifugal pump models A65-130. The centrifugal pump was driven by three-phase 380V electric motor, 5.5HP and regular rotational speed at 1485 rpm. The speed of electric motor was controlled by the inverter. While the speed at 750-2235 rpm with the flow rate at 0-14 L/s. The experimental results showed that the maximum shut off head 16.63 m at speed 2235 rpm. While the speed decreased the flow rate and head also decrease and when the speed increased the flow rate and head also increase. The maximum efficiency 47.83% occurred at flow rate 7 L/s, Head 5.18 m and speed 1215 rpm. From the test results found that during the rotational speed range 1100-1485 rpm was the best efficiency. While the flow rate lower than 5 L/s.The rotational speed controlling reduced the pump performance

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How to Cite
Phiphathatthakul, M., & Thadniam, V. (2023). Effect of Rotational Speed on Pump Performance. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 1(1), 59–64. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/750
Research Article


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