Slot Antennas with Inverted F Stub Fed by Coplanar Waveguide Pathumwan Academic Journal

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Prapoj Jiraskulporn


The Inverted F antenna is one type of small size antennas, because it can be installed on the mobile communication device such as cellular phones. It has several structures including planar and printed antennas. This paper presents the concept and design procedures of printed slot antenna, which the inverted F structure is placed in to the slot as an impedance matching stub, fed by a coplanar waveguide for WLAN 802.11a/b/g. All three prototype antennas are explained. The experimental results are presented and also compared with simulation results using a commercial software tool.

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How to Cite
Jiraskulporn, P. (2023). Slot Antennas with Inverted F Stub Fed by Coplanar Waveguide Pathumwan Academic Journal. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 1(1), 40–46. retrieved from
Research Article


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