The Study and Development of Feed Screw for Briquette Charcoal Forming Process

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Pongpun Rerkkumsup
Panurut Yaruan
Jaratsri Soeatuptim


This research describes the study and development of feed screw for briquette charcoal forming process. To reduce feed screw wearing down in briquette charcoal extrusion process. The simulation was designed in SolidWorks programs and analyzed with Finite Element. Firstly, the dimension of feed screw are define with diameter 75 mm, total length 457 mm, thread pitch 300 mm, 7 trapezoidal threads, fixed pitch 40 mm, thread base width 17.40 mm, angle of thread faces 70 degrees and spiral ridge height 14 mm and adjust that, respectively. The experimental strength and analysis results of feed screw are found that, although increasing of the thread ridge will shorten the service life of the feed screw because the increased of maximum stress but the thickness of the spiral ridge also increases endurance. Therefore, adjusting the slope of thread faces, more advantages.

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How to Cite
Rerkkumsup, P. ., Yaruan, P., & Soeatuptim, J. . (2024). The Study and Development of Feed Screw for Briquette Charcoal Forming Process. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 14(39), 46–54. retrieved from
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