Temperature–Dependent Penetration Depth of Anisotropic Magnetic Superconductors

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Suppanyou Meakniti
Pongkaew Udomsamuthirun


This research employed a two-band Ginzburg-Landau method to study the temperature- and anisotropic-dependent penetration depth in magnetic superconductors. After calculating the 2nd Ginzburg-Landau equation, we obtain the penetration depth using four temperature-dependent functions proposed by Chen et al., Zhu et al., Shanenko et al., and Changjan and Udomsamuthirun. We also considered two anisotropic functions proposed by Hass and Maki in ellipse shape and Posazhennikova in pancake shape, resulting in 64 possible cross-temperature- and anisotropic-dependent functions. We found that the temperature dependence by Changjan and Udomsamuthirun in the second band, along with pancake and ellipsoidal shapes in the first and second bands (M14-p-e, M24-p-e, M34-p-e, and M44-p-e) provided the best fit with experimental data of the FeCo superconductor.

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How to Cite
Meakniti, S., & Udomsamuthirun, P. . (2023). Temperature–Dependent Penetration Depth of Anisotropic Magnetic Superconductors. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 13(37), 81–93. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/596
Research Article


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