Histogram Segmentation Technique Using Local Maxima for Image Enhancement

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Chotmanee Sripuangsuwan
jiraporn kiatwuthiamorn
Chaipichit Cumpim


Different digital images have occurred from digital cameras and different ways of taking images. Therefore, methods to improve the quality of these images have been developed. This paper has presented a method to improve a quality image which is four steps. The first step is to apply the CLAHE method to improve image quality. Next step, take the histogram images of the previous step divided into many sections that are determined by the local maxima method. In the third step, each section is adjusted by the histogram equalization. Finally step, the new histogram is converted to a new gray-level color image. The experiment results of research show that the mean absolute luminance error values of images. These values are compared with values the traditional method. It was found that this method gave better results. Although this method takes more time to process than the traditional method.

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How to Cite
Sripuangsuwan, C. ., kiatwuthiamorn, jiraporn, & Cumpim, C. . (2024). Histogram Segmentation Technique Using Local Maxima for Image Enhancement. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 13(38), 28–44. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/589
Research Article


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