A Case Study on Investigating the Effects of Shear and Torsion on the Requirement of Longitudinal Rebar in Reinforced Concrete Beam

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Phattaraphong Ponsorn


Longitudinal rebar is an important component of reinforced concrete (RC) beam because it has to be designed to resist shearing and torsional forces. In Thailand, there are two equations to determine the area of the longitudinal rebar which were provided by EIT Standard. The results obtained from those equations, however, have been doubted when considered in a relationship directly to the applied shear and torsion magnitudes. Concerning to the validation of the matter, this paper presents the investigation of the doubtful outcome from such two equations and get insight into the effects of shear and torsion on the requirement of the longitudinal rebar area. A sensitivity analysis, sets of computational data, including nonlinear finite element analysis, were conducted in the study. Results showed that the requirement ofthe longitudinal rebar area calculated using equations given by EIT standard has turned out some of the unreasonable solutions when considered depending on the magnitude of the applied shear and torsion. The result acquired by finite element analysis was more reasonable in comparison to the calculation following to EIT Standard. When the high shear force and torsion were applied, the beam required more the area of longitudinal rebar. For as the presence of stirrup in term of one leg area of a closed stirrup to center-to-center spacing ratio has negligibly affected to the determination of the requirement of the longitudinal rebar area. This is due to the main function of stirrup is to resist shear and torsion.

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How to Cite
Ponsorn, P. (2024). A Case Study on Investigating the Effects of Shear and Torsion on the Requirement of Longitudinal Rebar in Reinforced Concrete Beam. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 14(41), 44–61. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/1141
Research Article


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