A Fuzzy Approach to Determine Production Lot Size for Capacitated Single-Stage Production Process with Fuzzy Demand

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supatchaya Chotayakul
Varathorn Punyangarm


This paper addresses the production lot size problem for a fuzzy single-stage, multiple -item, capacitated lot-sizing model in the context of unrelated parallel machines, known as the F-CLSPP model. This problem is particularly useful for SMEs or new product production planning, where there is a lack of historical quantitative data, and the available data comes primarily from expert experience. In this paper, the problem is formulated as a fuzzy mixed-integer programming model in the form of a dynamic lot size and scheduling problem. To make the F-CLSPP model mathematically solvable, a chance-constraint programming concept and a possibility approach are proposed to transform it into an equivalent crisp CLSPP model. The fuzzy constraints are converted into equivalent crisp constraints using the extension principle, allowing the model to be solved with basic software. This procedure and model are tested with an illustrative numerical example, and the results demonstrate that this approach can provide valuable production planning information and assist in decision-making based on the confidence level in the data.

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How to Cite
Chotayakul, supatchaya, & Punyangarm, V. (2024). A Fuzzy Approach to Determine Production Lot Size for Capacitated Single-Stage Production Process with Fuzzy Demand. Journal of Advanced Development in Engineering and Science, 14(41), 16–29. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pitjournal/article/view/1132
Research Article


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