Evaluation of Deficit Irrigation on Sweet Corn Production

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Channarong Thangkanasup
Somchai Donjadee


This study sets out to assess the productivity of sweet corn grown under deficit irrigation. Over the course of two growing seasons at the National Corn and Sorghum Research Center, the experiment employed the completely randomized design (CRD) method with 4 treatments of soil water holding capacity (I100: Full irrigation; I85: 15% shortfall, I70: 30% deficit; and I55: 45% deficit). The findings indicated that inadequate irrigation had an impact on sweet corn yields during the two growth seasons. The treatments I100 yielded the highest amounts of sweet corn (1,620 and 1,902 kg/rai), while the I85 treatments of applying less water produced a lower yield of sweet corn. With the I100 approach, however, there was no statistical difference. Still, another way to grow sweet corn in places with little irrigation water is the I70 approach. The average yield of sweet corn fell at 22.9%, but the variety's characteristics (ear size and sweetness) kept the crop's quality within acceptable bounds.

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สาขาวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ (Engineering)


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