Screening and Yield Trial of Promising Durum Wheat Lines in Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son and Nan Provinces

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Sippawit Punyatuy
Jaruvee Ancheta
Phakakarn Tongsomboon
Phattarateera Inplub
Pitchanan Kanghae
Suttakarn Jaikawin
Anchalee Takham
Atitaya Yodjai
Nednapa Insalud
Pheeraphan Thongplew


Durum wheat is a wheat type used to process into semolina flour, however there is no wheat varieties promoted for this practical use in Thailand. The objective of this study was to screen durum wheat promising lines providing high yield and stability in the northern region of Thailand. The evaluation and screening of 42 promising lines had been done during 2020/2021, the 9 promising lines with good agronomic characteristics and high yield, including MHSDWS07019, MHSDWS07020, MHSDWS07021, MHSDWS07024, MHSDWS07025, MHSDWS07026, MHSDWS07027, MHSDWS07028 and SMGDWS18005. The intra-station yield trial had been done during 2021/2022 at Samoeng Rice Research Center, Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province. The 9 promising lines at 800-1,000 g/2.4 sq.m. And the inter-station yield trial had been done during 2022/2023, 3 locations at 1) Samoeng Rice Research Center, Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province (SMG) 2) Dong Lak Muen Experimental rice and cereal crops, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province (DLM) and 3) Bo Kluea Royal Project Development Project, Bo Kluea District, Nan Province (BKL). The results showed that planting durum wheat at SMG and DLM promotes growth of the MHSDWS07026 and MHSDWS07027, And the highest yield component.
The BKL of the MHSDWS07020 in to growth and the highest yield component. Moreover, the durum wheat promising lines of MHSDWS07027 and MHSDWS07026 were the highest average yield from 3 areas and the most stability at 339 and 332 kg/rai, respectively. Grown in a general environment like this study.

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สาขาพืชศาสตร์ (Plant Sciences)


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