Prioritizing the Influencing Factors for Decision-Making to Use Cafeteria Services at Naresuan University

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Jessada Pochan
Nattida Wongsafu
Patipat Moungruksa
Suphatta Praditnut
Natchaya Punchum


  This article aims to analyze and prioritize the factors influencing decision-making to use the cafeteria services at Naresuan University. The methodology applied includes pairwise comparison and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the weight of each factor. The survey respondents consisted of 8 staff members from Naresuan University, divided into four main groups: academic staff, supporting staff, undergraduate students, and graduate students, to assess the appropriate weight of each factor. The research findings identified 12 factors influencing for decision-making to use the cafeteria services at Naresuan University. These factors include time and convenience, income, experience and familiarity, service interval, speed of service, process of purchasing or receiving food, availability of facilities, cleanliness of the area, open/airy atmosphere, taste, variety (types of food), and cooking ingredients. additionally, the prioritization of these factors revealed that the most significant factor is experience and familiarity (19.32%), followed by speed of service (15.13%), and the process of purchasing or receiving food (14.61%). The results of this study can be utilized as a basis for decision-making in improving and developing various aspects according to the priority of factors to effectively meet the needs of the cafeteria users at Naresuan University.

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