Efficiency in purchasing operations of electronic industry group in the area of Bangkadi Industrial Park
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The objectives of this research are to 1) study the level of personnel factors, management, policy, strategy and technology. 2) study the relationship between personnel factors, management, policy, strategy and technology. 3) analyze stepwise multiple regression equations to analyze personnel factors, management, policy, strategy and technology that affect the efficiency of procurement management of the electronics industry group in Bangkadi Industrial Park. Specifically select the sample group, which is the staff working in procurement management of the electronics industry group in Bangkadi Industrial Park, factory type 06900-07300 only, totaling 96 people. The research instrument is a questionnaire. The results of the research are as follows: 1) From the study, the average score of personnel factors is 4.23, management factors are 4.09, policy factors are 4.21, strategy factors are 4.24 and technology factors are 4.33. 2) The relationship between personnel factors, management, policy, strategy and technology factors Affecting the performance of procurement management. 3) Analyzing the normal multiple regression equation, it was found that the multiple correlation coefficient was statistically significant at 0.05, indicating that personnel, management, policy, strategy and technology factors affect the performance of procurement management and are related in a linear manner. When analyzing the stepwise multiple regression equation, it was found that policy and strategy affect the performance of procurement management.
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