Logistics management and supply chain of Nam Dok Mai mangoes in Sa Kaeo Province

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Bussayamas Puymoorthy
Sripai sripanomwan


  This research has focused on the development and participation of the community. To increase the capacity of farmers using the principles of integrating efficient supply chain management and logistics. The objectives include: 1) Study the relationships in the supply chain of Nam Dok Mai mangoes. Procurement of raw materials Middleman/product collector Selected Nam Dok Mai mango According to the needs of orders to deliver good quality raw materials. Delivering products on time and safely. 2) Study problems and obstacles occurring in the supply chain of Nam Dok Mai mangoes in Sa Kaeo Province. The study was conducted using qualitative research methods (Qualitative Research). Data collection from document studies and in-depth interviews were research tools to focus on overall benefits to farmers. The main group of informants is farmers. Golden Nam Dok Mai Mango Producer who has growing areas and domiciles living in Sa Kaeo Province.
 The results of the study, it was found that farmers are currently changing from the traditional supply chain to the new model. where growers exchange information with stakeholders until knowing the needs of the market to consumers within the country to see how much demand there is, then come back and plan production according to orders that have been planned. Relationships in the supply chain of Nam Dok Mai mangoes is the raw material supplier Merchant/Buyer Nam Dok Mai mangoes are selected and delivered to the factory according to customer needs. To deliver good quality raw materials, deliver products on time and safely. Problems and obstacles that occur within the supply chain Investment in production (Input) in terms of labor in rare areas changing the traditional planting method to a new system It is still gradually progressing because the behavior of farmers who do the same things still adheres to the old way. communication style The channel to create awareness about Nam Dok Mai mango production in Sa Kaeo Province that people want to know the most is communication via the internet or Online.

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