Investigating the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Ownership Structure on Small and Medium Term Enterprises Supply Chain Management Performance

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Muhammad Shafiq
Sonia Nazeer
Hassan Mujtaba Nazwaz Saleem


The firms’ performance and supply chain efficiency have significant influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) but it is not mandatory that all the dimensions of EO shall have positive effect. The formal dimensions of EO includes innovation, risk taking, pro-activeness, autonomy, aggressiveness and the competitive energy. In this study we explored the effect of offer said dimensions on the firm supply chain management performance and firms’ ownership structure. The data collected using the questionnaire survey methodology on five-point licker scale. The analysis was performed through Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) by utilizing the regression analysis to evaluate the relationship of EO and firms supply chain management performance. The results described that EO has significantly impact on the small and medium term enterprises supply chain performance. Therefore, when assessed each dimension individually the relationship of the innovation was found negatively associated with the firms supply chain management performance. The reasons seem behind this insignificance are required definite environment and time period to yield the positive results. The results of moderating variable “ownership” structure has significant moderating effect with EO and small and medium size firms supply chain management performance. The ownership structure moderating effect with the dimensions of EO was also found significant except risk attitude, autonomy and aggressiveness.

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