Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience: A DEMATEL-Based Framework for Analyzing Performance Metrics
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In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, ensuring supply chain resilience is paramount for organizational success. Resilient supply chains withstand disruptions and demonstrate agility by prompt recovery to mitigate adverse operational effects. Analyzing performance metrics for supply chain resilience is essential to understand the relationships between various factors, enabling strategic planning and implementation of preventive measures. This paper introduces a framework focused on analyzing factors related to supply chain resilience through a comprehensive suite of performance metrics. The Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method is renowned for analyzing the complex cause-and-effect relationships within systems. This study uses DEMATEL to meticulously delineate the interdependencies among performance metrics, facilitating a nuanced understanding of their relationships. Furthermore, cause-and-effect analysis reveals the insightful influences among diverse performance factors, elucidating how each impacts the overall resilience of the supply chain. To demonstrate the practical application of the proposed framework, we present a numerical example that validates our methodology and illustrates its potential benefits for industry practitioners. In a numerical example, a structured questionnaire was designed to collect primary data from experts in the field. The questionnaire was distributed in April, 2024, targeting professionals with extensive experience in supply chain management and risk assessment. The findings underscore the significance of supply chain collaboration as a critical factor influencing resilience. Other factors, such as flexibility, information sharing, and top management support, also play pivotal roles. The study organizes these factors into cause and effect groups—with collaboration, flexibility, information sharing, and top management support in the cause group, and agility, visibility, trust within partners, and big data in the effect group—thereby offering valuable insights into the interdependencies that shape overall supply chain resilience.
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