The Interplay of Green Logistics practices, Social Sustainability, and Government Policy in the Logistics Industry

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Kittinun Makprang


The logistics industry is under increasing pressure to balance operational efficiency with environmental and social sustainability goals. This study investigates the interplay between green logistics practices, social sustainability outcomes, and the role of government policies within this context. Utilizing a survey of 305 logistics companies in Thailand and structural equation modeling analysis, the research examines three key hypotheses: 1) Adopting green logistics practices positively influences social sustainability; 2) Government policies promote the adoption of green logistics practices; 3) Government policies promoting green logistics practices have a positive impact on social sustainability outcomes. The results provide strong empirical support for all three hypotheses, underscoring the importance of both organizational green practices and enabling government policies in driving improved worker well-being, community engagement, and ethical practices. The findings contribute to theory by elucidating the mechanisms through which green logistics and government interventions shape social sustainability in the industry. For practitioners, the study highlights the value of collaborative efforts between policymakers and logistics companies in fostering a sustainable and socially responsible logistics sector. Key implications, limitations, and avenues for future research are discussed.

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