Solar photocatalytic oxidation of As3+ in aqueous solution by TiO2/SrCO3 and Ag.TiO2/SrCO3 composite photocatalysts
Photocatalytic oxidation, As3+, Advance oxidation process, Ag-SrTiO3, Solar lightบทคัดย่อ
This work has observed and reported solar photocatalytic oxidation of AsIII in an aqueous solution by Ag-SrTiO3. The effect of pH, catalyst loading, initial concentration of As3+, and sacrificial reagent was investigated. The thermodynamics and kinetics of conversion of As3+ to As5+ were determined by the change in As3+ concentration by utilizing UV-Vis spectrophotometry as a function of irradiation time. The observed kinetics of photocatalytic oxidation of As3+ follows a pseudo-first-order kinetic model. The results showed a significant dependence of the photocatalytic oxidation of As3+ on the functional parameters.
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