REE and Th potential from placer deposits: a reconnaissance study of monazite and xenotime from Jerai pluton, Kedah, Malaysia


  • Fakhruddin Afif Fauzi Department of Mineral and Geoscience Kedah / Perlis / Pulau Pinang, Alor Setar, Malaysia
  • Arda Anasha Jamil Department of Mineral and Geoscience Johor, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman Department of Mineral and Geoscience Selangor / W.P., Shah Alam, Malaysia
  • Mahat Hj. Sibon Department of Mineral and Geoscience Selangor / W.P., Shah Alam, Malaysia
  • Mohamad Sari Hasan Department of Mineral and Geoscience Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Falah Zahri Technical Service Division, Department of Mineral and Geoscience, Ipoh, Malaysia
  • Hamdan Ariffin Department of Mineral and Geoscience Kedah / Perlis / Pulau Pinang, Alor Setar, Malaysia
  • Abdullah Sulaiman Department of Mineral and Geoscience Kedah / Perlis / Pulau Pinang, Alor Setar, Malaysia


Jerai, Kedah, monazite, REE, thorium, xenotime


Thorium (Th), rare earth elements (REE), yttrium (Y) and scandium (Sc) are among crucial elements in minerals that have a very high worldwide demand for green energy generation and high technology manufacturing industries. The current principal ore minerals for these elements are monazite, bastnäsite and xenotime. A reconnaissance study on monazite and xenotime minerals was conducted in southern part of Jerai peak area, which consists of mostly pegmatites and granite bedrocks and alluvial plains. Heavy mineral concentrate samples were obtained from various origins including gravelly layer from stream banks, flowing stream beds and seasonal stream beds for recent fluvial environment. Samples were also taken from weathered bedrocks of pegmatites and granites and different subsurface profiles from 12 pits dug in the alluvial plain area. Monazite and xenotime contents from stream bed samples are higher (8.43% and 6.05%) compared to other origins in recent fluvial environment and higher in weathered pegmatites (13.70% and 1.45%) compared to weathered granites. The monazite and xenotime content are also higher in eastern side of the alluvial plain, up to 3.16% and 2.91% respectively, but lower than samples from recent fluvial environment. The Th, REE and Y contents are very high up to 1,530 ppm, 21,031 ppm and 7,604 ppm respectively in samples containing monazite and/or xenotime. The Sc content, however, is very low which is up to 87.8 ppm in all samples although it shows positive correlation with monazite and/or xenotime contents. Both REE containing minerals could be economically potential if mined as placer suites together with garnet, tourmaline and other industrially beneficial minerals.


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How to Cite

Fauzi, F. ., Jamil, A., Abdul Rahman, A. H. ., Sibon, M. ., Hasan, M. S., Zahri, M. F., Ariffin, H. ., & Sulaiman, A. (2021). REE and Th potential from placer deposits: a reconnaissance study of monazite and xenotime from Jerai pluton, Kedah, Malaysia. Thai Geoscience Journal, 2(2), 43–60. สืบค้น จาก