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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in both Word and Pdf document formats.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Please provide a list of three preferred reviewers for your manuscript who have relevant expertise and no conflicts of interest. Write these names and their email addresses in the "Comments for the Editor" box.

Author Guidelines

Submission of manuscripts.

The Thai Geoscience Journal (TGJ) is an international (Thai and English) journal publishing original research articles dealing with the geological sciences. Two types of articles are published in the Journal: Research articles and Review articles.

  • Research articles are new original articles.
  • Review articles are those papers that summarize the current state of knowledge on specific fields or topics of geosciences. They analyze and discuss previously published research results, rather than report new results.

Requirement electronic file for submission.

  • The manuscript should be prepared in word and pdf files.                                                             
  • Table file ( word and pdf ) must have a heading.
  • Figure file (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, EPS, PSD or AI) ; Resolution of all figures must be 300 – 600 dpi. Name of figure file should be related in manuscript.

Manuscripts Information.
The main document, containing cover sheet, main text, acknowledgement (if applicable), references, figure, table, figure and table captions. Cover sheet: Cover sheet should contain.

  • The title.
  • Full names and affiliations and the addresses of all authors.
  • Postal and e-mail addresses and phone and fax numbers of the Corresponding Author who will take responsibility for the proofs.
  • Running title composed of no more than 70 characters.

Title: A title is to be brief summarizes the major results of the paper.
Abstract: An abstract should be a condensation and concentration of the essential qualities of the paper. All papers, excluding Short Notes, are to be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 500 words.
Keywords: Select keywords (not more than six words or phrases) which identify the most important subjects covered by the paper and arrange them in alphabetical order.
Main text: Main text should contain Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussions and Conclusions or something else as appropriate.
Acknowledgements: Brief acknowledgement of funding sources and assistance provided.  References: The references should be in a common citation format as shown below.
Figures and tables: Each figure and table must be mentioned sequentially in the text of the paper. Each figure must have a caption, and each table must have a heading. Captions and headings should be explicit enough that the reader can understand the significance of the illustration or table without reference to the text.


References in content, tables and images must specify author-date in-text citation, with the researcher's name followed by a comma (,) and the year of publication of the document behind the quote. If there are 1-3 researchers, specify the names of all the researchers but if there are more than 3 researchers, specify the first researcher and follow with et al.

Examples (Mogen, 2001), (Jones & Miler, 2008), (Mogen, Jones & Miler, 2008), (Halano et al. 2009)


Barron, J.A. (1983). Latest Oligocene through early Middle Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of  the  
            eastern tropical Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology, 7, 487−515.

Barron, J. A. and Keller, G. (1982). Widespread Miocene deep-sea hiatuses: Coincidence with 
            periods of global cooling. Geology, 10, 577−581.

Nakamori, T. (1986). Community structures of Recent and Pleistocene hermatypic corals in the  
            Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series (Geology), 56, 

Zakharov, Yu. D. (1974). A new find of an ammonoid jaw apparatus. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal  
             974, 127−129. (in Russian; original title translated)

Ager, D. V. (1963). Principles of Paleoecology, 371 p. McGraw-Hill Co., New York.

Okuda, M., & Okuda, D. (1993). Star Trek Chronology: The history of the future. New York: Pocket

Electronic material:

Japan Oceanographic Data Center, (2011), J-DOSS, Oceanographic Data and Information
            Download Service (Temperature, Current, Depth, Biology, Marine Information) [online].
            [Cited 24 August 2011]. Available from:

Review article

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