Effect of Different Nitrogenous Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Cassava Planted in Kamphaeng Saen Soil Series
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The effect of different nitrogen fertilizers on growth and yield of cassava (var. Huay Bong 60) planted in Kamphaeng Saen soil series was investigated. The experimental design was arranged in Randomized Complete Block (RCBD) with 3 replications of 7 treatments. The results showed that the application of controlled release chemical fertilizer (CRCF), of 50 kg/rai in combination with chemical fertilizer (CF) grade 0-46-0 and 0-0-60 of 4 and 4 kgP2O5 and K2O per rai, respectively (CRCF50,T7) effected on the highest of plant height and leaf greenness (SPAD unit) which were not different from the application of ammonium sulfate (AS) of 95.24 kg/rai in combination with CF grade 0-46-0 and 0-0-60 of 4 and 4 kgP2O5 and K2O per rai, respectively (AS95.24, T5) and the application of urea (U) of 43.48 kg/rai in combination with CF grade 0-46-0 and 0-0-60 of 4 and 4 kgP2O5 and K2O per rai, respectively (U43.48, T6). While, all treatments applied with nitrogen fertilizers a insignificantly effected on fresh root yield, average weight/root, root width and root length, starch contents, starch yield, concentrations of total N, P and K in fresh root but significantly different when comparing with the control treatment that has resulted in the lowest fresh root yield, average weight/root, root width and root length, starch contents, starch yield, concentrations of total N, P and K in fresh root. Furthermore, the application of CRCF provided the growth, yield, yield components and concentration of N, P and K in fresh root better than the application of quick release fertilizer.
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